Injuries, Recovery and What Comes After with Laura McGladrey

This past Sunday, Laura McGladrey, founder of Responder Alliance, and I discussed injuries and mental health in the outdoor community. Being a survivor of a major incident can have as much of an impact mentally as it does physically. And often, the hardest thing to do is to ask for help when we need it. Laura and I explore different ways to ask for what you need as well as:

  • The Stress Continuum

  • The 3-3-3 protocol

  • Having a continuity of care plan

  • The 6th stage of grief

  • Getting curious about what you can do now

  • What it means to hope

Injury is disorienting and it is important to remember that your brain needs time to adjust and make a plan based on this new reality. Give yourself some grace!

Watch the full interview: Injuries, Recovery and What Comes After with Laura McGladrey

Make sure to check out the Sharp End Episode 34: Psychological First Aid with Laura McGladrey too!

About Responder Alliance:

Responder Alliance’s mission is to advance the national conversation on stress injury formation and recovery in responders of all types. They do this by connecting responders, professionals, and organizations with resources, education, and training formulated on good science. They believe that strong organizational vitality leads to resilient responders. Responder Alliance believes that responders who are equipped to support each other and themselves are the best resource in preventing and mitigating stress injuries that occur in the field.

If you believe in Laura’s mission, please consider donating to her work!

You matter. You are not alone. If you have thoughts of self-harm, call 988 and get immediate help from mental health professionals with the Lifeline network.


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